Reading Workshop

Here are some of the units of study that I have modeled in primary and intermediate reading workshops. I will be creating links for how I unfolded these units in terms of the thinking and planning that must be
done before launching a unit of study.

Units of Study, Reading:
-Launching the Reading Workshop 
-Readers Notice When Meaning Is Lost
-Readers Have Thoughts As They Read

Reading Clubs:
-Reading the World Through Poetry (Poetry Book Club)
-We Study Our Favorite Characters (Character Book Club)
-Readers Study Authors They Love (Author Study Book Clubs)
-Exploring Critical Literacy (Social Issues Book Clubs)

Borrowed & Adapted from:
-Growing Readers by Kathy Collins
-Reading for Real  by Kathy Collins
-The Art of Teaching Reading by Lucy Calkins
-The Art of Teaching Writing by Lucy Calkins
-Reading with Meaning by Debbie Miller